Although we eat ice cream all year round, don't you espcially think about it in the summer? Don't you just love ice cream when it's hot and sunny ? And then comes all about flavors. There are so many different flavors, but don't you just move between one or two favorite ones? I do. I'm completely crazy for cherry ice cream! Some years ago Ben&Jerry's used to have ice cream called Cherry Garcia, with lots of cherry and chocolate chunks, it was awesome!! But then, they stopped selling it in Catalonia, was I the only person eating that ice cream? It was such a drama for me, considering that it's quite difficult to find cherry ice cream in ice cream places around here!! I don't quite understand it, for me it's such a mistery that cherry ice cream isn't popular here because it's delicious!!
So I made my own cherry ice cream last day, and the truth is that it's great!!! When it comes to indulge in ice cream, what's better than doing it with natural hand made ice cream? Using the best ingredients and fresh fruit, no food color, no flavors no additives!!! And with the same texture and taste as bought ice cream!! I think that my freezer will just go crazy this summer!!!
3 rovells d'ou
120 g sucre
350 ml nata líquida
200 ml llet
1/2 teaspoon sucre avainillat
300 g cireres sense pinyol i tallades a trossets
Bateu els rovells i el sucre fins aconseguir una barreja pàl·lida i cremosa. En una olla, porteu la nata i la llet fins al punt d'ebullició i afegiu-hi la vainilla. Aboqueu una petita quantitat de nata calenta al bol amb els rovells, i remeneu. Afegiu-hi la resta de la nata. Remeneu bé i aboqueu aquesta barreja un altre cop a la olla per coure-la a foc mitjà durant 5-10 minuts. Traieu l'olla del foc i deixeu que refredi. Quan la barreja estigui a temperatura ambient, afegiu-hi les cireres tallades a trossets i refrigereu-la, fins que estigui ben freda. En aquest punt, podem utilitzar una gelatera per aconseguir la textura de gelat, i després posar la barreja al congelador, o si no en teniu, poseu la barreja directament al congelador i aneu-la remenant cada 20 minuts fins que arribi al punt de congelació.
La xocolata que veieu per sobre el gelat és xarop de xocolata fet a casa també. Us explico com fer-la a la propera recepta.
Que gaudiu de l'estiu!!
3 egg yolks
120 g sugar
350 ml cream
200 ml milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
300 g cherries, pitted and chopped
Beat the egg yolks and sugar until having a pale, creamy mixture. In a sauce pan, bring the cream and milk to a boil and the vanilla. Pour a bit of this boiling cream into the yolks and stir. Add the remaining cream. Stir well and transfer to the sauce pan again. Cook at medium heat for about 5-10 minutes or until the mixture covers the back of your wooden spoon. Remove the sauce pan from the heat and let cool. When the mixture is at room temperature, add the chopped cherries and refrigerate until it's very cold. At this point we can use an ice cream maker to get ice cream texture and then freeze, or if you don't have such a machine, you can just place the mixture into the freezer and stir every 20 minutes until it freezes.
The chocolate you see on the ice cream is hand made chocolate syrup. I'll tell you how to make it in the next recipe.
Enjoy your summer!!
Vaja, Sílvia, la culpa és meva, perquè no l'havia descobert, sinó estigues segura que no el retiren del mercat! Però ara no em preocupa, ja en tinc la recepta, jeje!
ReplyDeleteMoltes gràcies, és molt temptador!
Per cert, si vols que porti xocolata, no estaria malament afegir-hi xocolata fosa en un fil en l'última batuda, a l'estil stratiacela, no? és una opció al gelat que ja no trobes.
Petons i que tinguis molt bon dia!
La propera vegada segur que provaré això d'afegir-hi xocolata fosa per tenir gelat d'stratiacela amb cireres!! Només de pensar-ho ja se'm fa la boca aigua!! Gràcies Gemma :))
ReplyDeletePedazo de pinta que tiene el helado! El de cereza siempre es uno de mis favoritos! Buen blog!
ReplyDeleteHola Silvia,
ReplyDeleteHem vist que tens moltes receptes al teu bloc i et volem presentar, un portal web on els nostres usuaris poden buscar entre més de 38.000 receptes de les pàgines i blocs més populars en llengua catalana.
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Moltes gràcies per la teva atenció i restem a la teva disposició!!!!
Carles Vicente