És fantàstic que hi hagi tanta gent a qui li hagi agradat això de fer galetes!!!! La veritat és que jo també m'ho passo molt bé fent-les i ensenyant a fer-les ;) Els propers tallers seran de cupcakes, ho prometo.
After the craziness for the cookies that I have created with my cookie decoration workshops at the school and in cal Gorina, in Castellar del Vallès, and since many people have asked me for places to buy food color, fondant and cookie cutters, here I post some specialized online shops where you can get very nice stuff.
It's awesome that so many people have liked cookie making and decorating!!!! The truth is that I also enjoy making them, and teaching too ;) Next workshops will be about cupcakes, I promise.

Aquesta botiga és moníssima i té un munt de coses per fer i decorar pastissos, galetes, cupcakes i més. Les comandes superiors a 55 euros tenen enviaments gratuïts a la península i balears, i des d'aquest mes tenen botiga física a Barcelona. Jo encara no m'hi he passat, però està a la meva llista, així que aviat em veureu per allí :)
This shop is so cute. They've got plenty of things for making and decorating cakes, cookies, cupcakes and more. For orders of more than 55 euro, the shipping is for free in the Spanish peninsula and the Balearic Islands, and since this month they have a physical shop in Barcelona. I haven't been there yet, but it's in my list, so you'll soon see me there :)
For the Cakes
Carrer Canonge Pibernat, 14
08028 Barcelona
Tel. 935150918
Aquesta botiga també té lloc físic a Barcelona. Tot i que per a que l'enviament sigui gratuït s'han de fer comandes superiors a 200 euros, el preu d'enviament que tenen és molt competitiu. Tenen un munt de productes nous per a Nadal, tant per a pastissos, galetes, cupcakes, bombons.... i bons preus.
This shop also has a physical place in Barcelona. Although you need to order more than 200 euro to have free shipping, the shipping cost they have is very low. They've got lots of new stuff for making and decorating Christmas cakes, cookies, cupcakes, chocolates... and good prices.
El mundo de la reposteria
Avda Borbó 35
08031 Barcelona
Tel. 932 852 931
Aquesta botiga és de Madrid i els enviaments són carets, però tenen tantes coses i tan mones que val la pena, sobretot per la gran quantitat de talladors de galetes que tenen!!! El fondant amb sabor de vainilla de "funcakes" que tenen és molt bo, millor que d'altres que he probat. No tenen tenda física, però el seu contacte és:
This shop is from Madrid and shipping costs are high, but they've got such cute and varied stuff that it's worth it, specially for their great variety of cookie cutters!!! The vanilla flavoured fondant they have from "funcakes" is delicious, much better than others I've had. They don't have a physical shop, but their contact is:
Tel. 619258576
Altres botigues online que de moment no coneixo, ja que no hi he comprat, però que igualment val la pena visitar són:
These are other online shops that I don't know yet because I haven't bought anything from them yet, but are also worth visiting:
These are other online shops that I don't know yet because I haven't bought anything from them yet, but are also worth visiting:

Hi ha més botigues, però crec que de moment amb això ja feu per començar, no?
There are more shops, but I think that it's good enough to get started, isnt't it?
There are more shops, but I think that it's good enough to get started, isnt't it?
Sílvia, m'estic fent una experta en cupcakes ;) la meva filla està encantada! Vaig anar a la botiga de virrei amat que recomanaves però em va agradar més la de www.gadgetscuina.com, la del carrer Aragó, no se si la coneixes. Te la recomano. Seguiré practicant i seguint el teu blog. Petons,
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