Avui us explicaré un parell de llocs molt monos que vaig descobrir al barri del Born. Si hi aneu, segur que també us agradaran tant com a mi.
What do you think, good cupcakes
only in London??? NO!!!! In Barcelona too!!!!
Today I will tell you about a
couple of cute places that I discovered in the district of the Born. If you
happen to go there, I’m sure you’ll like them as much as I did.
Primer de tot la "Lolita Bakery" on trobareu força varietat de cupcakes, pastissos i galetes. Són de gustos i d'estètica una mica tradicionals, però també hi trobareu propostes originals. El local és d'estil vintage, amb peces antigues i mobiliari amb caràcter nòrdic, molt acollidor i càlid, però amb poc lloc per a seure i gaudir del que surt del seu forn. Com que no havíem berenat quan hi vem arribar, i érem una bona colla, vem triar una selecció de cupcakes i pastissos ben variada i vem sortir a fora a degustar-los. Gairebé tot ho vem trobar molt bo, menys un tros de pastís que estava poc cuit i feia gust de farina crua. Per sort, tot el demès estava deliciós i va compensar el tros que no va sortir bé.
First of all “Lolita Bakery”, where
you will find a good variety of cupcakes, cakes and cookies. They are
traditional in taste and image, although you’ll also find some more original offers.
The place has a vintage look, with old pieces and Nordic-kind furniture. It’s
very homely and warm, but with little place to sit and enjoy what they bake. We
hadn’t eaten before we got there, and because we were quite a lot of people, we
chose a good selection of cupcakes and cakes and took them away. We found
almost everything very delicious, except a piece of cake that was under baked
and tasted like raw flour. Luckily, everything else was delicious and made up
for the bad piece.
Aquesta pissarra amb les instruccions per a fer un cupcake és d'allò més original i artístic. Em va encantar.
This blackboard with the
instructions to bake a cupcake is so original and artistic. I loved it.
També venen càpsules per a cupcakes, caixes i complements per als vostres dolços. Tot molt mono.
They also have cupcake capsules,
boxes and complements for your sweet treats. Very cute.
Aquí alguna mostra de les seves galetes, a dalt, i dels cupcakes, a baix. Si esteu mirant això abans de dinar o de sopar, de ben segur que se us deu haver obert la gana!!
Here some of their cookies, above,
and cupcakes, below. If you are watching this before having lunch or dinner,
sure it will have given you an appetite.
La seva adreça:
Portal Nou 20
El Born, Barcelona
També els trobareu a Provenca 267, Eixample, Barcelona
Their address:
Portal Nou 20
El Born, Barcelona
You'll also find them in Provenca 267, Eixample, Barcelona
L'altre lloc que us vull ensenyar també es troba al Born. Es tracta de "Florentine Cupcakes". Quan hi vem arribar ja eren a punt de tancar i no vaig poder comprar res ni fer-hi fotos. Tot i així, ens van deixar entrar-hi i tot i que ja recollien, allí dins es respirava glamour i "savoir-faire", dins d'un estil molt chic. Sens dubte és el lloc principal on anar el proper cop que sigui pel Born. Us deixo amb algunes de les fotos que tenen a la seva pàgina web, per a que us feu una idea del lloc.
The other place I want to show you is also in Born, in Barcelona. It's "Florentine Cupcakes" When I got there there were closing and I couldn't buy anything or take pictures. However, we could get in and, although they were cleaning up, inside the atmosphere was of glamour, "savoir-faire", and everything in a very chic style. It's definetely the place I will go next time I go to Born. Here I leave you some of the pictures they have in their webpage, so that you get an idea of the place.

La seva adreça: http://www.florentinecupcakes.com/
Calders 3, El Born, Barcelona
Their address: http://www.florentinecupcakes.com/
Molt bonics, a veure quan en podem veure un a Sabadell, amb més estil i qualitat. Sobretot de pastissos de carabassa. Una abraçada.Marc