No us ha passat mai que, feu el que
feu, teniu mala sort? A mi em va passar amb aquests Cupcakes de Xocolata.
Has it ever happened to you that, whatever you do, you are veeeery unlucky? This happened to me with these Chocolate Cupcakes.
Has it ever happened to you that, whatever you do, you are veeeery unlucky? This happened to me with these Chocolate Cupcakes.

Havíem organitzat un sopar amb els
companys de feina. És una tradició que tenim en acabar les vacances i es tracta
d'un sopar temàtic on tothom porta un plat típic d'on ha estat estiuejant.
Divertit, oi? En aquest sopar sempre acabem menjant un munt de formatge i
embotit típic d'alguna zona, que és el més fàcil de portar d'allà on s'hagi
estat. Aquest any, però, la gent també s'ha atrevit a preparar alguna cosa
típica a casa, com pipirrana, "duelos y quebrantos", empedrat...
boníssim!! Com que nosaltres hem estat a la Cerdanya i preparar un trinxat amb
aquesta calor em semblava una mica fort, vaig decidir preparar Cupcakes de
Xocolata farcits de gelea de gerds (dels que vem collir a Lles), amb frosting de formatge i nata. La veritat és que van quedar moooolt bons. Els cupcakes van
quedar molt esponjosos i suaus, i el frosting va anar perfecte. La gelea de
gerds la vaig posar als cupcakes un cop van estar fets, fent un foradet al mig
del cupcake amb un estri d'aquells que es fan servir per treure el cor de les pomes.
We had organized a dinner with my colleagues from school. It’s a tradition we have after the end of the summer holidays. It’s a theme dinner in which we bring a typical product or dish from the place where we have been on vacation. Seems like fun, doesn't it? In that dinner we always end up eating a lot of typical cheese and sausages, which is the easiest to take from where one has been. This year, however, some people even dared to cook some typical dishes, like “pipirrana”, “duelos y quebrantos”, “empedrat”... really delicious!! We had been in the Pyrenees and I thought that cooking “trinxat” (a typical dish from the Pyrenees with cabbage, potato and streaky bacon) in such temperatures (it’s still more than 30ºC here) would be too much, so I decided to make Chocolate Cupcakes filled with Raspberry Jelly (raspberries picked by us in Lles), and whipped cream cheese frosting on top. The truth is that they turned out sooooo good. The cupcakes were very fluffy and soft, and the frosting matched perfectly. I filled the cupcakes with raspberry jelly once they cooled, making a little hole in the center using a tool for taking apple cores out.

We had organized a dinner with my colleagues from school. It’s a tradition we have after the end of the summer holidays. It’s a theme dinner in which we bring a typical product or dish from the place where we have been on vacation. Seems like fun, doesn't it? In that dinner we always end up eating a lot of typical cheese and sausages, which is the easiest to take from where one has been. This year, however, some people even dared to cook some typical dishes, like “pipirrana”, “duelos y quebrantos”, “empedrat”... really delicious!! We had been in the Pyrenees and I thought that cooking “trinxat” (a typical dish from the Pyrenees with cabbage, potato and streaky bacon) in such temperatures (it’s still more than 30ºC here) would be too much, so I decided to make Chocolate Cupcakes filled with Raspberry Jelly (raspberries picked by us in Lles), and whipped cream cheese frosting on top. The truth is that they turned out sooooo good. The cupcakes were very fluffy and soft, and the frosting matched perfectly. I filled the cupcakes with raspberry jelly once they cooled, making a little hole in the center using a tool for taking apple cores out.

Doncs ara us explico la mala sort que
vaig tenir amb els cupcakes. El sopar era a Sabadell, així que havia d'agafar
els meus cupcakes i ficar-los al cotxe per anar-hi. No tinc cap caixa ni
transportador de cupcakes (el que vol dir que aviat n'hauré d'aconseguir
algun), així que els vaig posar repartits en dos plats, i sobre el seient de
l'acompanyant, ben falcats per a que no m'anessin amunt i avall a les corbes.
Però en pujar la rampa del garatge.... la meva falca no va resistir i 4
cupcakes van rodolar pel seient!!! Els vaig poder rescatar, però el frosting va
quedar tot aixafat, sniff!
So now I will tell how unlucky I was with these cupcakes. Dinner was in Sabadell, so I had to take my cupcakes and put them on my car to go there. I don’t have any box or transporter for cupcakes (which means I will have to get one soon), so I placed the cupcakes on two plates, and then on the front seat, all well wedged to avoid the plates going up and down during the journey. But while going up the garage ramp.... my wedge couldn’t resist and 4 cupcakes rolled down the seat!!!! I could rescue them, but the frosting was all ruined, sniff!

Later, when I arrived in Sabadell I could luckily park in front of Tere’s place, but as I was coming out of the car, plaff, another cupcake fell on the floor!!, of course, I couldn’t rescue this one.
Però no queda aquí la mala sort amb els cupcakes, no. Els vem posar a la nevera per a que no es desfés el frosting, fins aquí tot bé, però la gent va anar arribant i volent guardar les seves coses a la nevera també. En una d'aquestes operacions de voler encabir les coses tipus tetris a la nevera, un dels plats amb cupcakes va anar a terra i es va trencar!!!! Total, que dels 15 cupcakes que havia fet originalment (restant-ne dos que vaig deixar a casa per a que mengessin de postres), al final se'n van salvar 8, i els vem haver de partir per la meitat per a que tothom en pogués tenir un tros. Jo, encara que només mengés mig cupcake, el vaig gaudir molt.
But my bad luck with cupcakes doesn’t end here. We placed them in the refrigerator because we didn’t want the frosting to get all runny, so far so good, but as people arrived, they also wanted to keep their food in the refrigerator. In one operation wanting to fit all sort of things in the refrigerator, like in a Tetris, one of the cupcake plates slipped out and it broke!!!! In all, from the 15 cupcakes I had made originally (apart from the 2 I left at home for my family to eat for dessert), we ended up with only 8, so we had to split them for all the people to have some. I, although I could only eat half a cupcake, enjoyed it very much.

I ara no m'enrotllo més i us escric la recepta.
200 g farina
2 tbsp cacau en pols
1/2 tbsp bicarbonat
1/2 tbsp llevat químic
180 g sucre
100 g mantega, a temperatura ambient
1 ou gran
1/2 tsp extracte de vainilla
50 ml buttermilk
Prescalfeu el forn a 150ºC.
Barregeu els ingredients secs en un bol
(farina, cacau, bicarbonat i llevat).
En un altre bol, batiu la mantega i el
sucre amb l'ajut d'un batedor elèctric, fins obtenir una crema. Afegiu-hi l'ou
i bateu fins que quedi ben incorporat. Finalment, afegiu-hi la barreja amb la
farina i el buttermilk en tres cops, començant i acabant per la farina.
Ompliu les càpsules o motlles o
cupcake fins a dos terços, i fornegeu uns 25-30 min a 150ºC.
Deixeu refredar els cupcakes mentre
prepareu el frosting de Nata i Formatge. Feu un forat al centre del cupcake i
ompliu amb gelea de gerds o melmelada. Finalment poseu el frosting damunt i
And here comes the recipe.
200 g flour
2 tbsp powder cocoa
1/2 tbsp baking soda
1/2 tbsp baking powder
180 g sugar
100 g butter, at room temperature
1 large egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
50 ml buttermilk
Preheat the oven at 150ºC.
Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl
(flour, cocoa, baking soda and baking powder).
In another bowl, cream the butter
and sugar with the help of an electric mixer. Add the eggs, one at a time,
until they are well incorporated. Finally, add the flour mixture and the
buttermilk in three additions, starting and ending with the flour.
Fill in the cupcake capsules or
moulds to two thirds, and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick comes
out dry when inserting it in the middle.
Let cool on a wire rack while you
make the whipped cream cheese frosting.
Make a hole in the center of the
cupcakes and fill in with raspberry jelly or jam.
Finally, put the frosting on top
and decorate.
mira, te voy a decir algo, desde el cariño:
ReplyDeletesi me los hubiera cmido yo antes de salir por la rampa del garaje...nada hubiera pasado de todo esto!!!
eso iba a poner morada!!!
un beso y sigue con las recetas que los demás las iremos catando!!!
Aquesta recepta la he de fer si o si el cap de setmana ja que li vui fer un regalet a una amiga que és adicta a la xocolata..
ReplyDeletePer cert, m'encanta llegir coses sobre la Cerdanya!!!
Des de que visc a Suècia al hivern, faig trinxant!!! COM M'AGRADA!!!
FIns aviat!!