D'acord, d'acord.... en veure la foto la majoria deveu estar pensant que no hi ha "red" per enlloc en aquests cupcakes!! Si, és veritat. Pretenien ser uns Red Velvet Cupcakes (de vellut vermell), però hi vaig posar poc colorant vermell, així que van quedar Velvet, però no Red.
Ja sabeu, si els proveu de fer a casa (cosa que us recomano perquè queden boníssims), poseu-hi força colorant vermell si no voleu que us passi com a mi.
Ok, ok.... most of you must be thinking that there's no red at all in these cupcakes!! Yes, it's true. They pretended to be Red Velvet Cupcakes, but I used too little red food color, so they came out Velvety but not Red.
So, if you try to make them at home (which I recommend you to do because they are delicious), use a lot of red food color if you don't want the same to happen to you.
El Red Velvet, de fet, és un cupcake de xocolata molt suau, que té com a característica que és vermell. Si no hi poséssim colorant, quedaria de color de xocolata, igualment atractiu, però no seria un Red Velvet. Em van explicar que abans el feien fent servir remolatxa per a tenyir la massa, però no vull ni imaginar el sabor que devia tenir.... Si algú ho prova i li queda bé, que m'ho digui, si us plau!!
Red Velvet cupcakes are very moist and tender chocolate cupcakes (this is why they are called Velvet). The special thing about them is that they are red. If we didn't use food color, they would come out in a nice chocolate color, equally nice, but it wouldn't be a Red Velvet. I was told once that they used to make them using beetroot to color the batter, but I don't even want to imagine how they would taste... If anyone has ever tried it, let me know!!
Ingredients (per a 12 cupcakes):
60 g mantega sense sal, a temperatura ambient
150 g sucre mòlt
1 ou
10 g cacau en pols
colorant alimentari vermell
1/2 teaspoon extracte de vainilla
120 ml
150 g farina
1/2 teaspoon sal
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonat
1 teaspoon vinagre de vi blanc
Per a decorar:
Frosting de Formatge en crema
Prescalfar el forn a 170ºC
Batre la mantega i el sucre amb l'ajut d'un batedor elèctric fins obtenir una barreja ben cremosa i blanca. Afegir-hi l'ou i seguir batent fins que aquest quedi ben incorporat.
En un altre bol, barrejar el cacau en pols, el colorant alimentari vermell i l'extracte de vainilla, obtenint així una pasta espesa i fosca.
Afegir aquesta pasta a la barreja de mantega i batre bé fins que quedi tot ben incorporat i de color vermell.
Ingredients (for 12 cupcakes):
60 g unsalted butter, at room temperature
150 g caster sugar
1 egg
10 g cocoa powder
red food color
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
120 ml
150 g flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons white wine vinegar
Decoration :
Cream Cheese Frosting
Preheat the oven to 170ºC (325ºF)
Beat the butter and sugar with the help of an electric mixer until light and fluffy and well mixed. Add the egg and keep beating until everything is well incorporated.
In a separate bowl, mix together the cocoa powder, red food color and vanilla extract to make a thick, dark paste.
Add to the butter mixture and mix thoroughly until evenly combined and colored.
Jo vaig pensar que ja em quedava un to vermellós, com el que veieu a la foto, però us ha de quedar més vermell que això.
Afegir el buttermilk i la farina, començant per la meitat del buttermilk fins que estigui incorporat, la meitat de la farina, fins que estigui incorporada, i repetint aquest procés fins haver afegit tot el buttermilk i la farina. Batre a altra velocitat durant uns pocs minuts fins obtenir una barreja homogènia i llisa.
Afegir la sal, el bicarbonat i el vinagre de vi blanc i batre un altre cop a velocitat alta durant un parell més de minuts.
I though this was red enough, as you can see in the picture, but it needs to be redder than this.
Add half the buttermilk and beat until well mixed, then add half the flour and beat until well incorporated. Repeat this process until all the buttermilk and flour has been added. Turn the mixer up to high speed and beat until you have a smooth, even mixture. Add the salt, baking soda and bicarbonate and beat until well mixed, then turn up the speed again and beat for a couple more minutes.
Distribuir la massa a les càpsules de cupcake.
Si voleu que tots us quedin de la mateixa mida podeu fer servir una cullera de servir gelat com a mesura. A més, la pala que té per tirar avall el gelat també us ajudarà a tirar avall la massa, jejeje
Spoon the batter into the cupcake capsules.
If you want your cupcakes all the same size, an ice cream spoon is a good tool to measure the amount of batter you are putting into the capsules, ahahah
Un cop tota la massa està distribuïda, fins a dos terços de les càpsules aproximadament, fornejar durant uns 20 minuts, o fins que al punxar un escuradents al mig aquest surti net.
Jo pensava que els cupcakes quedarien del mateix color que la massa...
Once all the batter is distributed, until two-thirds full approximately, bake for about 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
I though the cupcakes would come out the same color as the batter...
Però voilà, en sortir del forn van quedar d'aquest altre color :(
But voilà, this is the color they had once they came out of the oven :(
El frosting és de Crema de Formatge i està decorat amb un les engrunes d'un cupcake esmicolat, a la manera com ho fan a la Hummingbird Bakery, tot i que a mi em van quedar força grosses.
The frosting is Cream Cheese and it's decorated with the crumbs of a crushed cupcake, as they do in the Hummingbird Bakery, although the crumbs came out quite big.
Font: The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook
Source: The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook