Pot ser que un pastís es desmunti, es desconstrueixi, es torni a construir i segueixi estant deliciós? Aquest sí!!!
Can a cake dismantle, deconstruct, construct again and still be delicious? This one sure can!!
És el gran problema que tenen els pastissos viatgers, i aquest va haver d'afrontar moooooltes corbes fins arribar a Cornellana, al peu del Cadí. Doncs això, que no va poder amb tanta corba i quan va arribar al destí vaig haver de dir allò de "no ho ha pogut superar", snif snif.... Els pisos es van desmuntar, les fruites del bosc van caure, es va empastifar tot de xocolata.... uffff
This is the big trouble with traveller cakes, and this one had to confront looooots of curves until getting to Cornellana, a llitle mountain village in Cadí, a well-known Catalan mountain range. As I was saying, this cake couldn't take as many curves and once it got to the destination I had to say that "it couldn't overcome it", snif snif... The layers came apart, the berries fell off and it got chocolate all over.... uffff
This is the big trouble with traveller cakes, and this one had to confront looooots of curves until getting to Cornellana, a llitle mountain village in Cadí, a well-known Catalan mountain range. As I was saying, this cake couldn't take as many curves and once it got to the destination I had to say that "it couldn't overcome it", snif snif... The layers came apart, the berries fell off and it got chocolate all over.... uffff
Per sort, va arribar a mans hàbils que el van tornar a construir, una mica diferent del que veieu ara a les fotos, però es va tornar a construir!!! Tot i el canvi, va quedar també bonic i sobretot boníssim!! Ens van demanar que en guardéssim una mica i no vem poder deixar ni una engruna. Què lleig, oi? Però és que qui es pot resistir a tal delícia?
Luckily enough, it got into skillful hands that reconstructed it, a little bit different than what you see now in the pictures, but it got reconstructed after all!!! Despite de change, it turned up pretty too and what's more it was sooo tasty and good!!! We were asked to keep some of it and we couldn't even save a crumb. It's not very nice, right? But who can resist such a delicacy?
Luckily enough, it got into skillful hands that reconstructed it, a little bit different than what you see now in the pictures, but it got reconstructed after all!!! Despite de change, it turned up pretty too and what's more it was sooo tasty and good!!! We were asked to keep some of it and we couldn't even save a crumb. It's not very nice, right? But who can resist such a delicacy?
Construït o desconstruït, segur que amb un pastís com aquest triomfareu, sobretot si us agrada la xocolata!!
100 g mantega a temperatura ambient
260 g sucre
2 ous grans
45g cacau en pols sense sucre
1/4 teaspoon extracte de vainilla
3/4 teaspoon bicarbonat
3/4 teaspoon llevat químit (royal)
un pessic de sal
170 g farina
160 ml llet
Preescalfeu el forn a 160ºC
Comenceu batent la mantega i el sucre amb l'ajut d'un batedor elèctric fins obtenir una crema blanqueta. Afegiu-hi els ous, d'un en un, fins que quedin ben incorporats. Afegiu l'extracte de vainilla, el cacau en pols, el pessic de sal, el bicarbonat i el llevat químic i barregeu bé. Aboqueu la meitat de la farina, llavors tota la llet, i finalment el que queda de farina. Remeneu bé fins obtenir una barreja homogènia.
Aboqueu la barreja en els motlles per a pastís prèpiament engreixats (amb una mica d'oli o mantega) i aplaneu la massa amb l'ajut d'una espàtula. Amb aquesta recepta podreu omplir tres motlles de 20 cm de diàmetre (o dos motlles i amb la resta de la massa fer cupcakes com vaig fer jo, hehe).
Fornegeu uns 25-30 minuts o fins que un escuradents surti sec quan punxeu el centre d'un pastís.
Deixeu refredar completament abans de farcir i cobrir de xocolata i fruites del bosc.
La recepta de la ganache de xocolata la trobareu aquí.
I ara a construir!! (o desconstruir, que també va bé ;)))
Constructed or deconstructed, you'll sure make a perfect cake with this recipe, especially if you are chocolate lovers!!
100 g butter at room temperature
260 g sugar
2 large eggs
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
45 g cocoa powder
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
a pinch of salt
170 g flour
160 ml milk
Preheat the oven to 160ºC
Start by beating the butter and sugar together with the help of an electrical mixer until having a white fluffy cream. Add the eggs, on at a time, mixing until incorporated. Beat in the vanilla extract, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt until well mixed. Add half the flour, then all the milk, and finish with the remaining flour. Mix well until everything is well combined.
Pour the mixture into the previously greased cake mold and smooth over with a spatula. You'll be able to fill three 20-cm cake mold with this recipe (or two and bake cupcakes with the remaining mixture, which is what I did, hehe)
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out dry when inserting it in the middle of a cake.
Let cool completely before filling and covering with the chocolate ganache and adding the berries.
You'll find the recipe of the chocolate ganache here.
Enjoy constructing this cake, or deconstructing it ;)))
100 g mantega a temperatura ambient
260 g sucre
2 ous grans
45g cacau en pols sense sucre
1/4 teaspoon extracte de vainilla
3/4 teaspoon bicarbonat
3/4 teaspoon llevat químit (royal)
un pessic de sal
170 g farina
160 ml llet
Preescalfeu el forn a 160ºC
Comenceu batent la mantega i el sucre amb l'ajut d'un batedor elèctric fins obtenir una crema blanqueta. Afegiu-hi els ous, d'un en un, fins que quedin ben incorporats. Afegiu l'extracte de vainilla, el cacau en pols, el pessic de sal, el bicarbonat i el llevat químic i barregeu bé. Aboqueu la meitat de la farina, llavors tota la llet, i finalment el que queda de farina. Remeneu bé fins obtenir una barreja homogènia.
Aboqueu la barreja en els motlles per a pastís prèpiament engreixats (amb una mica d'oli o mantega) i aplaneu la massa amb l'ajut d'una espàtula. Amb aquesta recepta podreu omplir tres motlles de 20 cm de diàmetre (o dos motlles i amb la resta de la massa fer cupcakes com vaig fer jo, hehe).
Fornegeu uns 25-30 minuts o fins que un escuradents surti sec quan punxeu el centre d'un pastís.
Deixeu refredar completament abans de farcir i cobrir de xocolata i fruites del bosc.
La recepta de la ganache de xocolata la trobareu aquí.
I ara a construir!! (o desconstruir, que també va bé ;)))

Constructed or deconstructed, you'll sure make a perfect cake with this recipe, especially if you are chocolate lovers!!
100 g butter at room temperature
260 g sugar
2 large eggs
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
45 g cocoa powder
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
a pinch of salt
170 g flour
160 ml milk
Preheat the oven to 160ºC
Start by beating the butter and sugar together with the help of an electrical mixer until having a white fluffy cream. Add the eggs, on at a time, mixing until incorporated. Beat in the vanilla extract, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt until well mixed. Add half the flour, then all the milk, and finish with the remaining flour. Mix well until everything is well combined.
Pour the mixture into the previously greased cake mold and smooth over with a spatula. You'll be able to fill three 20-cm cake mold with this recipe (or two and bake cupcakes with the remaining mixture, which is what I did, hehe)
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out dry when inserting it in the middle of a cake.
Let cool completely before filling and covering with the chocolate ganache and adding the berries.
You'll find the recipe of the chocolate ganache here.
Enjoy constructing this cake, or deconstructing it ;)))